This was the first phase of the process aimed to define the main usability issues of the app interface, the good flows and what should be tested with the users. Then we performed an Heuristic Evaluation (10 laws of Jakob Nielsen, 1994) of the selected functions using the behavioral method “Try it yourself”.
After a brief Online Survey, we decided to integrate the use of some tools from the one used in the behavioral methods (ECG, Emotion Tracking, EDA) to attempt conducting a more meaningful user testing. The main objectives were to experience some new methods for analyzing the human behavior, understand the real neurological impact that an interface can have on the user’s emotional state. Not all the data gained frome these tools were reliable (neither in professional environment ) but the experimentation turned out really interesting.
The most recurrent state in which users found themselves is that of confusion, a high level of arousal and cognitive overload. According to the analysis performed, the app should not have the same number of function of the website, but should be a useful and fast way to interact with the services provided by the University and to support the students’ everyday life.
During the iterative process to evaluate our design, Maze turned out to be a really nice tool. Since we involve the user in every phase, the app architecture kept improve.
The wireframes were tested within more iterations providing users with some scenarios and specific goals to achive. Thanks to all the data of clicks, mis-clicks , heatmap, screens path and time, the wireframes were finally ready for the UI design.
The Home Screen is the one that students will interact more. To facilitate the interaction, in the upper part on the screen, a Contextual Card helps creating continuity in the flow, changing dimensions according to the features. Every action is literally just 3 tap far.